Our Grateful Response to God’s Love Through Prayer

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As we continue with the “four seasons” of stewardship, we turn our focus to Prayer.  We are all called to develop and grow a personal relationship with God–a friendship with Jesus. We are called to not just know about Jesus, but to learn to know Him. The first is easiest; the latter is a lifelong journey but it is essential if we are to leave our old selves behind and follow Him.

We do this by embracing stewardship as a way of life.  This life-long journey of stewardship must be built upon a foundation of developing a personal relationship with Jesus through prayer and hospitality, welcoming and inviting all to join us as disciples.  It also means that we continue to nurture our faith formation with our personal response to share what we have with others—our time, talent and treasure — which leads to generous service of God and others.

We nourish our souls with prayer. As we receive God’s gift of grace it inspires and empowers us to change our lives.  It is through prayer that we nurture our personal relationship with Jesus,  which leads us to a yearning for the sacraments, especially the Eucharist.

The Lenten season is the perfect time to take a look at our prayer life and our relationship with Jesus. What stands in our way of hearing God’s call and growing that personal relationship?  There are as many ways to pray as there are people.  But all hold in common the need to be sure we are spending time in quiet with Him each day…listening, not saying anything.  Just 10 minutes each day alone with the Lord can make a big difference.  If you aren’t doing this, the “Rediscover Jesus” book we received at Christmas offers a great opportunity to begin.  Read a section, a page, a paragraph each day, ponder the questions, and listen to the Lord speak to you.