
We continue to focus on Stewardship–growing as disciples of Jesus Christ—which is a way of life.  This season we focus on Service.

Ministry Weekends

On the weekends of Nov. 3-4, 10-11 and 17-18 we will focus on three ministries that reach out to those in need.  You will have the opportunity to hear about the ministry during the “Ministry

Moment” before Mass, talk to ministry members about their service after Mass, and review materials available about the ministry.

Featured Ministries

Nov. 3-4:  Faith in Action

Nov. 10-11: Outreach Ministry

Nov. 17-18:  Pastoral Care

Serving Choices

On the weekend of Nov. 17-18, we will invite you to make a choice as to how you will serve God and others.  We will take our serving choice card to God as a sign of our commitment to growth and renewal, making it a powerful moment as we put what God has given us back into service for Him.


Discipleship is a total conversion to a new way of life that identifies us as followers of Jesus.  This life-long journey of stewardship must be built upon a foundation of developing a personal relationship with Jesus through prayer.


Holiness does not just consist in how many rosaries one recites, how many hours in the chapel or our knowledge of our faith.  Holiness also grows as we become more merciful and generous with our neighbors—especially those in most need—the poor.

How Am I Called

Now is the time to step back and take a look at how and in what ways you are serving.

¨ Am I satisfied with my life—is that enough?

¨ Am I being called to do something new in my spiritual journey?

¨ Could I do more?

¨ Should I do more?