Jesus Shows Deep Compassion
Jesus shows deep compassion for Simon Peter’s mother-in-law and restores her to health. She becomes a model for all those called to discipleship. She is healed and raised- up and begins to minister to Jesus…real discipleship/stewardship. This is an example for all of us. Once freed from the bonds of sin/Satan we are now truly free to serve…generously and fully…the Kingdom of God.
Jesus demonstrates God’s deep compassion for the sick and suffering by responding to all who come to him. Since they hear he is in the neighborhood families bring their sick and those afflicted in anyway…and Jesus restores them to wellbeing and health. That reflects the mission of the Christian family and Church. We are called to respond to the needs of others…and throughout our history we have established hospitals and care facilities for those who suffer. We are to be the expression of God’s compassion in the world today.
The third part of the Gospel lesson shows us that Jesus is not satisfied to care for some…but reach out to all! He tells his disciples that they must go to all the towns and villages to being the Good News and the mercy and love of God. That is our call and our mission!
This Sunday we hear of the unclean and suffering man filled with leprosy boldly and humbly approach Jesus and beg healing and wholeness. Jesus responds with surprising tenderness and reaches out to touch the man and grant his earnest plea.
Ministry means getting involved…it can’t really be done from a distance. We are called to give of ourselves generously and freely. Often it means doing what we might be afraid to do or society might not understand or approve of. God’s love wants to restore all to a right relationship with him and we are called to carry that mission out.
Lent begins…with Ash Wednesday…which is Feb. 18th! We enter the Sacred Fast of Lent by fasting and abstaining on this special day. We come forward in procession to receive the sign of our intention to undergo a deeper conversion of heart and life…the sign of ashes on our forehead. We ask the Lord for the grace to enter and keep Holy Lent growing in our Baptismal calling to serve God alone.
Blessed Ashes will be distributed during the Mass after the Homily…Masses will be 8:15 AM & 6:30 PM.
Devotions during Lent…will be Wednesday evening with the Stations of the Cross at 7:00 PM. There will also be Stations of the Cross with the SSPP school children on Fridays at 1:40 PM…all are welcome
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament…will be each Thursday (all day – after the last Mass of the day)…with Benediction with the SSPP School Children…at 1:35 PM…and again in the evening with Evening Prayer & Benediction at 6:30 PM.
God is calling…us to grow during this Lenten Season…through ‘Prayer & Study’. We can make our commitment and keep track of our progress…just to see how we are making an effort and keeping our commitment…by way of the cards in the pews and the inserts in the bulletin. It is just a helpful tool to guide us along the way of growing and listening to the ‘call to Joy’.
Special collection…for Eastern Europe will be this Sunday & Ash Wednesday. After the devastation of Atheistic Communism there is a great need to rebuild the Church there…that is why we have the second collection this weekend.
Click here to read From the Desk of Fr. John 2-8-15
Click here to read From the Desk of Fr. John 2-1-15
Click here to read From the Desk of Fr. John 1-25-15
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