Supporting Organizations
Finance Council The Finance Council advises the pastor in all church and school financial matters. Its mission is to have open communication with the entire parish about our financial situation. Other goals include setting monetary policy and procedure, analyzing current and past financial reports and making recommendations to ensure financial stability. Chair: Mike Benker Additional Support: Master Plan Committee, Chair: Dennis Bouse Buildings and Grounds Committee, Chair: Phil Throm Ss. Peter & Paul School Advisory Council, President: Donna Wegner
Read MoreParish History
In 1856 the first frame building church was built on land still owned by the parish. From these beginnings, we have seen this parish grow from a struggling Mission Church to the large parish it is today. From that frame church there came a beautiful church, a large school, a convent, a rectory/parish office and a parish center, but even more important than the buildings, from that mere handful of dedicated Catholics, the parish has grown to become one of the outstanding parishes in the Springfield Diocese. Our parish continues to grow spiritually and physically. In the early years of
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In 1865, Rev. Anthony Rustige purchased the first land for the cemetery at the end of East Main Street. The last land acquisition was a gift of the Hedden family in 1962. As late as 1890 the cemetery was still outside the city limits. Orient Street was the boundary. Over 4,000 people are buried here, including five priests: Rev. Francis Sheila and Msgr. B. N. Manning, both born in Ireland, Rev. Charles Muskus, Rev. Vincent Jalinsky, and Rev. Ron Nesbitt. Burials also include veterans of every war since the Civil War. A special mass is said at the cemetery on
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Rev. Michael Haag Pastor Rev. John Beveridge Pastor Emeritus Deacon Jim Hill Permanent Deacon Blake Bamper Development Coordinator Julie Buehler School Principal Sara Dupaix Outreach Coordinator and Finance Assistant Jeffrey Gurlen Finance Director Karla Huddlestun Director of Religious Education For PSR: | For RCIA: Dave Launhardt Facilities Supervisor and Cemetery Manager Jennifer Knebel Accounting Specialist Nick Robinson Music Director Mary Unfried Administrative Assistant, Receptionist Mark Vojas Parish and School Life Coordinator
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