In 1865, Rev. Anthony Rustige purchased the first land for the cemetery at the end of East Main Street. The last land acquisition was a gift of the Hedden family in 1962. As late as 1890 the cemetery was still outside the city limits. Orient Street was the boundary. Over 6,000 people are buried here, including five priests: Rev. Francis Sheila and Msgr. B. N. Manning, both born in Ireland, Rev. Charles Muskus, Rev. Vincent Jalinsky, and Rev. Ron Nesbitt. Burials also include veterans of every war since the Civil War. A special mass is said at the cemetery on Memorial Day.
Cemetery Oversight Board
The Ss. Peter & Paul Cemetery covers 27 acres, of which 15 are developed. A board of volunteers meets each month and oversees the operation of the cemetery.
Contact: Dave Launhardt, Facility Supervisor and Cemetery Manager – 618.345.4343, ext. 102,
Mary Unfried, Funeral & Cemetery Coordinator- 618-345-4343 ext. 107,
Click to view or print Catholic Burial Rites
Click to view or print Cemetery Regulations