Bishops Conference President Calls for Prayers, Care for Others After Tragic Shooting in Las Vegas

October 2, 2017
By Ss. Peter & Paul

WASHINGTON—On October 2, Cardinal
Daniel N. DiNardo, Archbishop of Galveston-Houston, and President of the United
States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), expressed “deep grief” after a
deadly mass shooting in Las Vegas.

The full text of the statement

“We woke this
morning and learned of yet another night filled with unspeakable terror, this
time in the city of Las Vegas, and by all accounts, the deadliest mass shooting
in modern U.S. history. My heart and my
prayers, and those of my brother bishops and all the members of the Church, go out
to the victims of this tragedy and to the city of Las Vegas. At this time, we need to pray and to take
care of those who are suffering. In the
end, the only response is to do good – for no matter what the darkness, it will
never overcome the light. May the Lord
of all gentleness surround all those who are suffering from this evil, and for
those who have been killed we pray, eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and
let perpetual light shine upon them.”

Keywords: U.S Conference of Catholic Bishops, USCCB, Cardinal Daniel N.
DiNardo, Las Vegas, mass shooting, prayers.


Media Contact:
Judy Keane

Source:: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops