Wedding Anniversary Mass and Brunch

Attention all couples married 25 years or more. Plan now to attend the 10:30 am Mass on Sunday, September 13, 2015 followed by a brunch in Morris Hall to celebrate your Wedding Anniversary. To make reservations please call the parish at 345-4343 or Liz Dalton at 345-4660 and leave your name, the number of years you have been married and if you will be attending the brunch after Mass.  Deadline for reservations is Thursday, September 10.

Totus Tuus

TOTUS TUUS…went very smoothly and more than 80 children and youth participated. Thanks to Kim and all the volunteers who participated. It was a real exciting week and a lot of work…every ones’ help was needed. Looking forward to next year…so plan now to participate!  

Family Lego Night

The SJN Robotics Team will be hosting a Family Lego Night on July 31st from 4:30 to 8:30 at the MPH Parish Center. There will be Lego activities for all ages including a minifigure zip line, spinning tops, balloon-powered cars, Hexbug maze, and Mindstorm robot.  Let us help you with dinner, pizza can be preordered.  See for more information.  The Lego Family Night is open to all and admission is free!  Please join us for an evening of family fun!  

Supreme Court Decision on Marriage “A Tragic Error” Says President of Catholic Bishops’ Conference

WASHINGTON—The U.S. Supreme Court decision, June 26, interpreting the U.S. Constitution to require all states to license and recognize same-sex “marriage” “is a tragic error that harms the common good and most vulnerable among us,” said Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz of Louisville, Kentucky, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). Click here to read the full statement USCCB Kurtz Statement and Talking Points on Obergefell v. Hodges Click here to read Bishop Paprocki’s Homily for Fortnight for Freedom – 13th Sunday of the Year-B

Carol Moore Honored as Woman of Distinction

Congratulations to Carol Moore who was honored by the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women at its annual celebration of Women of Distinction on June 13 in Springfield. She received the Our Lady of Good Counsel Award along with other women of our diocese during a Recognition Mass and luncheon with Bishop Paprocki. Each parish is asked to name a woman who has actively lived out her Catholic faith, displayed her spirituality, and shared her time and talents in acts of service to her parish and community, as well as, supported, empowered, and educated, Catholic women in spirituality, leadership and...


Calling all First Graders through Senior Year Students! It is not too late to sign up for this year’s Totus Tuus Camp! Currently we have 24 participants registered. We are almost half way to breaking last year’s record of 61 participants!!! Sign up today and you will be part of the great camp experience where first through sixth graders will learn about the Virtues and the Beatitudes as well as having great snacks, participating in icebreakers and a Pizza Party for Friday’s Lunch! The teen program includes fun games, a small group discussion about their faith and a Thursday...
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