Ordination Class of 2018: CARA Report Gives Reasons for Hope and Areas for Growth

April 20, 2018
By Ss. Peter & Paul

WASHINGTON—According to the Center for Applied
Research in the Apostolate’s (CARA) annual survey, in the Ordination Class of
2018, almost all responding ordinands reported being baptized Catholic as an
infant (90 percent). Among those who became Catholic later in life, the average
age of conversion was 26. Four in five responding ordinands (83 percent) report
that both their parents were Catholic when they were children. One in three (35
percent) has or had a relative who is a priest or religious.

The total number of potential ordinands for the class
of 2018, 430, is a lower number from 590 in 2017.

Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, CSsR, of Newark, Chairman
of the U.S. bishops’ Committee on Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations, found
that the data gives reason for hope as well as provides areas for future

“Although the overall number of ordinations to the Priesthood is lower this
year, the information gathered from this survey and the generosity of those to
be ordained continues to inform the important work of vocations ministry for
the future. It is essential that we continue to make the conscious effort to
encourage young men to be open to hearing God’s call in their life and assist
them in the discernment process.”

Father Ralph B. O’Donnell, Executive Director of the Secretariat, cited the
significance of encouraging vocations awareness: “One of the most encouraging
statistics to see in this study is that 86 percent of those to be ordained to
the priesthood this year were encouraged to do so by someone in their life
(most frequently a parish priest, friend or another parishioner). A
similar percentage was reported in February in the most recent survey of those
solemnly professed. This fact should enliven in the faithful a resolve to
actively encourage the young people that they encounter to consider to what
vocation God is calling them and to be generous in their response.”

The Georgetown University-based Center for Applied Research in the
Apostolate gathered the data for “The Class of 2018: Survey of Ordinands to the
Priesthood.” CARA collects the data annually for the U.S. bishops’ Secretariat
for Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations. Approximately 78 percent of the 430
potential ordinands reported to CARA. These 334 respondents include 252
ordinands to the diocesan priesthood and 78 ordinands to the religious

Among the survey’s major findings:

majority of responding ordinands are Caucasian (seven in ten) and were born
in the United States (three in four). One in four is foreign-born. By
comparison, since 1999, on average each year, 30 percent of responding
ordinands were foreign-born.

The four most common countries of birth among the
foreign-born are Mexico, Vietnam, the Philippines, and Colombia. On
average, foreign-born responding ordinands came to live in the United
States 12 years ago at the age of 23.

On average, responding ordinands first considered
priesthood when they were 17 years old. Responding ordinands were
scheduled for ordination on average 18 years later (at the age of 35).
Since 1999, the average age of responding ordinands has fluctuated only
slightly each year, from an average of 36 in 1999 to the current average
age of 35.

Between 39 and 47 percent of all responding
ordinands attended a Catholic school for at least some part of their
schooling. Half of responding ordinands (51 percent) participated in a
religious education program in their parish for seven years, on average.

Nearly half of responding ordinands (45 percent)
report that they completed a college or university undergraduate degree
before entering the seminary. The most common fields of study are social
science, theology or philosophy, business, or liberal arts.

Two in three responding ordinands (64 percent)
reported full-time work experience prior to entering the seminary. One in
twenty responding ordinands served in the U.S. Armed Forces themselves.
About one in eight responding ordinands (13 percent) reported that one or
both parents had a military career in the U.S. Armed Forces.

Almost all responding ordinands reported being
baptized Catholic as an infant (90 percent). Among those who became
Catholic later in life, the average age of conversion was 26. Four in five
responding ordinands (83 percent) report that both their parents were
Catholic when they were children. One in three (35 percent) has or had a
relative who is a priest or religious.

Regarding participation in parish ministries
before entering the seminary, nearly three fourths of responding ordinands
(74 percent) served as altar servers before entering the seminary. Nearly
three in five (57 percent) served as lectors. Around half served as
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (46 percent). One in three
served as catechists (38 percent), in campus ministry or youth ministry
(35 percent), or as confirmation sponsors/godfathers (31 percent).

In regard to participation in vocation programs
before entering the seminary, half of responding ordinands (46 percent)
reported participating in “Come and See” weekends at the seminary or the
religious institute/society.

Nearly nine in ten responding ordinands (86
percent) reported being encouraged to consider the priesthood by someone
in their life (most frequently, a parish priest, friend, or another
parishioner). Responding ordinands indicate that, on average, four
individuals encouraged their vocation.

One-half of responding ordinands (51 percent)
indicated that they were discouraged from considering the priesthood by
one or more persons. Most often, this person was a friend/classmate or a
family member (other than parents).

The full report can be found online: https://www.usccb.org/beliefs-and-teachings/vocations/ordination-class/class-of-2018/ordination-class-of-2018.cfm.

Keywords: U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, USCCB, ordination, class of 2018,
Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, Father Ralph B. O’Donnell, priesthood, ordinands, Center
for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA), Secretariat for Clergy,
Consecrated Life and Vocations, diocesan priesthood, religious life


Media Contact:
Judy Keane

Source:: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops