The Glory of Jesus
The Glory of Jesus true nature shone through his human nature in the mystery of the Transfiguration. Jesus gave the disciples this ‘preview’ of his resurrected glory to encourage them as they approached his passion and death.
We heard the Father’s voice revealing the person and mission of Jesus as ‘My beloved Son, listen to him’. It was to be a help to the disciples and to us as we journey in faith during this Holy Season of Lent. We are to commit unreservedly to Jesus. We are to believe in him completely. We are to be ready to deny ourselves and take up our cross to follow him for he is the fulfillment of the Law and the Prophets.
This season gives us the opportunity to see what keeps or holds us back from that kind of surrender to Christ and to fully undergo the ‘repentance’ and ‘conversion’ Jesus calls us to. On Ash Wednesday we were signed with the sign of repentance and heard the very words of Jesus… ‘Repent, and believe in the Gospel’. We realize that it can be challenging to undergo these changes and yet we receive the encouragement and grace of Jesus transfigured to help us.
This Sunday we hear from the Gospel of John about Jesus claiming and cleansing the Jerusalem Temple. He is met with resistance and rejection on the part of the Jewish authorities. Instead of listening to his word and recognizing his actions as from God they demand of him some kind of miracle or sign to prove he has the authority to do what he did.
Jesus foretells of his resurrection when he says… ‘Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up.’ Jesus is the ‘temple’ of God’s presence replacing the present temple of stone and the perfection of the former gift God gave to his people.
Last week and this we hear again how we are to fully listen and follow all that Jesus reveals. How will we listen again with complete trust and unconditional faith?
Priests’ Spring Gathering…will take place this week Tuesday & Wednesday Mar. 10-11th. Bishop Paprocki has called all of the priests to gather and learn more about Stewardship. He is bringing in a special team from the Diocese of Wichita (a priest of our Diocese…Msgr. Kemme…was recently made Bishop there) which has been practicing this special stewardship for decades. Remember Bishop has appointed Fr. Chuck Edwards to head-up our Diocesan Office for Stewardship. (We will leave after Tuesday’s Mass and return Wednesday afternoon/evening.)
Girl Scout Sunday…will be celebrated this Sunday at the 10:30 Mass. Congratulations and keep up the great work with our youth…especially with our Catholic Christian values and practices.
Master Plan Committee…continues to reflect and incorporate your insights and suggestions into the new church ‘Gathering Space & Office Complex’. Further drawings and plans are being commissioned from Mr. Hurford to help in the decision making process and bring us closer to a final plan. A time line for all the events in preparation for construction is also being hammered out right now!
Blood Pressure Screening…this weekend at all the Masses.
Next Weekend…St. Patty Party after the 10:30 Mass in Morris Hall. Also second collection for Catholic Relief Services…the greatest charitable organization in the world!…this weekend.
PENANCE SERVICE…will be Wednesday, Mar. 18th at 6:30 PM…also…for the School Children on Tuesday, Mar. 17th at 12:30 PM…all are welcome.