The path to ending violence in the Middle East

December 21, 2015
By Ss. Peter & Paul

By VISarchive 02
Vatican City, 20 December 2015 (VIS) – After today’s Angelus prayer, the Pope spoke about the recent agreements regarding the Middle East reached by the international community. “I encourage everyone to continue, with a generosity and dedication, towards a cessation of violence and a negotiated settlement leading to peace”. Similarly, he mentioned the situation in Libya, where “the recent working agreement among the parties for a government of national unity invites hope for the future”. He also commented on the commitment to collaboration between Costa Rica and Nicaragua, expressing his hope that “a renewed spirit of fraternity will further strengthen dialogue and mutual cooperation between them and among the countries of the region”.
He also mentioned the populations of India, recently stricken by a major flood, and asked those present to pray a Hail Mary for these afflicted brothers and sisters. Finally, he greeted all, and especially the many children in St. Peter’s Square who had brought figurines of the Baby Jesus from their Nativity displays to be blessed by the Pope. “Dear children, when you pray before your Nativity, remember me, as I will remember you”.

Source:: Vatican Information Service