The Pope prays for the victims of the attacks in Indonesia and Burkina Faso, and urges migrants not to let themselves be robbed of hope

January 18, 2016
By Ss. Peter & Paul

By VISarchive 02
Vatican City, 17 January 2016 (VIS) – After today’s Angelus prayer, the Pope affectionately greeted the members of the various ethnic communities present in the Square.
“Dear migrants and refugees”, he said, “each of you carries a history, a culture, precious values; and often, unfortunately, experiences of poverty, oppression and fear. Your presence in this square is a sign of hope in God. Do not let yourselves to be robbed of hope and the joy of living, that spring from the experience of divine mercy, thanks also to the people who welcome you and help you”.
“I now invite you all to pray to God for the victims of the attacks that have taken place in recent days in Indonesia and Burkina Faso. May the Lord welcome them into His home, and support the efforts of the international community to build peace”, Francis concluded, praying the Hail Mary with all those present.

Source:: Vatican Information Service