Tragedy of refugees in Pope’s prayers
By VISarchive 02
Vatican City, 28 February 2016 (VIS) – Greeting the faithful after the Marian prayer, the Holy Father again noted the tragedy of those fleeing wars, emphasising that countries like Greece “on the front lines are giving generous aid, which requires the cooperation of all nations. A unified response can be effective and distribute the weight evenly. This is why we need to focus firmly and unreservedly on negotiations”.
“At the same time.” he added, “I have hopefully welcomed the news about the cessation of hostilities in Syria and I invite all to pray so that this window of opportunity can give relief to those suffering , encouraging the necessary humanitarian aid and opening the way to dialogue and a much desired peace”.
Pope Francis also expressed his nearness to the people of Fiji, hard hit by a devastating cyclone. “I pray for the victims and for those who are committed to relief operations”. Before leaving, the pontiff recalled that today marks “Rare Disease Day” and directed his special prayers and encouragement to all associations that offer help in this area.
Source:: Vatican Information Service
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