Catholic Leadership Institute
Do you have a teen(s) looking for an exciting opportunity for developing their leadership skills this summer? Catholic Leadership Institute is a 6-day leadership camp and retreat that helps high school teens learn more about themselves and various leadership skills that can be put to use in their home, school and home parishes right away.
What will young people learn at CLI? Core sessions on leadership development include learning about leadership styles, communication skills, group dynamics, decision making, and planning skills. Participants work through hands-on activities in small groups to demonstrate each of these leadership skills, all the while having fun and making new friends, too.
CLI also incorporates a strong, faith-based sense of community living. Everyone helps with presenting morning and evening prayers and Mass is celebrated several times throughout the week. During the day, participants are invited into personal prayer time along with team members who lead by example. Community life is also built through evening social activities and by sharing certain community life tasks.
To access a registration brochure and a video go to:
Or call Missy Mark at 618-530-5730
NOTE: the early registration deadline has been changed to July 1.
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