Totus Tuus

Totus Tuus Success was Parish Effort Thanks to everyone who volunteered as helpers, made donations, fixed meals, came to the potluck, offered your home as a place to stay, hosted the fellowship night and led the campers in the celebration of Mass and Reconciliation. Thanks to the participating campers and their families. The success of the camp would not have been possible without all of you!  Check out the photo gallery at  

Try Out FORMED–The Catholic Faith on Demand

Our parish has the opportunity to try out a digital gateway to high-quality Catholic content, video studies, movies, eBooks and audio presentations from some of the best and most trusted Catholic presenters, authors and producers. It is called FORMED.  Ss. Peter and Paul has made arrangements to a special trial period for the month of May only. So check it out at  In the upper right-hand corner click on LOGIN, then when prompted enter Email/username: and Password:   Mary 2016. Send your feedback to Deacon Jimmy at or call the parish office at 345-4343 so that we can make...

Employment Opportunity: Parish Administrative Assistant

With the upcoming retirement of Ellen Bednara, Ss. Peter and Paul Parish has an open position for a full-time Parish Administrative Assistant. The responsibilities include scheduling liturgy ministers including servers, communion ministers and lectors; coordinating funeral details with the pastor and ministries, scheduling Mass requests; and keeping parishioner information up-to-date. In addition the position handles office visitors, phones and mail and other administrative duties.  The position reports to the pastor. The candidate should have 2-5 years of experience in handling administrative duties in a professional environment and a willingness to work as a collaborative team member in a dynamic...

Groundbreaking and Blessing Held for New Construction

Bishop Thomas John Paprocki joined our parish on April 24 to celebrate the groundbreaking for our new Gathering Space/Office/Fellowship Hall building. He was joined by Father John Beveridge; the project’s contractor Scott Plocher, Plocher Construction; Dan Hufrord and Craig Rednour of Hurford Architects; the parish Master Plan Committee and about 50 parishioners. Bishop Paprocki led the Blessing for the building and for all those involved in its planning and construction and those will gather there in the future. He said that this is more than a building; it’s about the people who are part of it. Father John said...

Parish Welcomes Deacon Jimmy

Sts. Peter and Paul Parish welcomed its new Director of Faith Formation Deacon Jimmy Ghiglione and his wife Agnes with a gathering after each Mass the weekend of April 9-10. Deacon Jimmy greeted old friends and new ones at the gatherings that featured meals prepared by the parish Hospitality Committee. Deacon Jimmy had spent the past 12 years serving as the Pastoral Facilitator for two parishes in the diocese which no longer had a resident priest.  He had previously served at our parish as Director for Youth Ministry 2002-2004.  
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