Missionary Asks Us to Join in Healing Rwanda Wounds
On the weekend of August 27-28 missionary Father Denis Kiyenje visited our parish and asked us to join him in the Church’s mission in Rwanda—to help rebuild the country through forgiveness, reconciliation and love. In addition to sharing our financial resources, he asked for our ongoing prayers to help heal the deep wounds left by the killing over of one million Rwandans in 1994.
Although it has been more than 20 years, Father Denis says the wounds are deep. “Rwanda is challenged still today. It is hard to forgive. But the Church is trying to uplift the whole country.”
He says the main focus is through education so that the people can be empowered to learn how forgiveness, reconciliation and love can heal.
If you would like to contribute to this mission, drop your donation in the collection basket in an envelope marked “Rwanda” or drop it off at the Parish Office. And continue to pray for healing in Rwanda.
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